Introducing ZERO TO THREE: Experts in Child Development

Infants and toddlers are at the heart of everything we do.

About Us: Our Mission and Vision

To ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life. At ZERO TO THREE, we envision a society that has the knowledge and will to support all infants and toddlers in reaching their full potential.

Learn More About Our History and Background

ZERO TO THREE has been a dynamic advocate emphasizing the critical importance of the early learning window in child development since 1977. We continue to translate our expertise in the field of early childhood development into pioneering programs that help shape early education strategies to support infants, toddlers and families. 

Drawing on expertise from professionals in diverse disciplines allows us to take a holistic approach to child development and develop solutions based on sound research and real-life experience. We are a vibrant membership-based early childhood development organization committed to creating lasting, transformative change for babies, toddlers and families.

Our Leadership and Team

ZERO TO THREE Board Members

Our multidisciplinary team of early child development experts ensures we plan and strategize in a balanced context. Our leadership team includes language, intellectual, emotional, physical and social development professionals. The ZERO TO THREE Board of Directors and senior leadership work together to build on existing knowledge and strengthen policies that promote the overall health and well-being of children. 

We believe that how we do our work is as important as what we do.


We Take an Innovative Approach

ZERO TO THREE leads several public and private initiatives and frequently partners with other groundbreakers in the field of early childhood development.

Our membership-based structure provides a unique platform in the child development space. We work tirelessly to connect people with the evidence-based research, tools and resources they need to positively impact the lives of children and families.

ZERO TO THREE: Financials and Annual Reports

Our organization is committed to transparency and accountability. Review our audited financial statements so you can give confidently, knowing that you are making a profound difference in the lives of our nation's babies.

Funding for our vital work comes from various sources, including foundation and corporate grants, government grants and contracts, and individual donors.

ZERO TO THREE Contact Information

For general inquiries about ZERO TO THREE, contact our main office by phone or email. 

2445 M Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20037
(202) 638-1144

Get Involved and Become a ZERO TO THREE Baby Champion

We need your support to ensure babies everywhere have access to the services, support and quality care they need to thrive. Learn more about our work, and together, let's find ways to support their growth and development.