ZERO TO THREE Fellows have the expertise, skills, passion, and commitment to make the world a better place for infants and toddlers.
We offer the premier leadership experience committed to supporting the next generation of early childhood leaders in embracing a courageous, just, and collaborative approach to our shared work.
Our Fellows are diverse professionals across disciplines and sectors who are “change agents” – transforming programs, systems, and policies that impact the lives of young children and their families. Over the 32-year history of the fellowship, more than 300 national and international leaders are alumni of this esteemed network and continue to impact the lives of babies and young children in profound ways. Our alumni maintain lifetime relationships with other Fellows and ZERO TO THREE Board members and Staff through the Academy of ZERO TO THREE Fellows.
My experience was life-changing. It provided the opportunity for me to deepen and expand my understanding of systemic barriers and inequities that families from diverse and marginalized communities must navigate to raise their children. I continue to be driven by the collective goal to integrate principles of diversity, equity and inclusion at all levels of the infant and early childhood mental health field.
Nucha Isarowong, ZERO TO THREE Fellow 2012-2013
Cultivating leaders in early childhood for three decades and counting
The ZERO TO THREE Fellowship is an intense 18-month program that changes lives. Fellows learn as much from each other as they do from the curriculum.
A special message about the power of the Fellowship community from our dear friend, ZERO TO THREE Fellow, and baby champion Yiğit Aksakoğlu.
2024-2026 Fellowship Class

Cecilia Amigo
Outpatient Clinic Coordinator (Autism)/Head of Child Psychiatry, Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell Montevideo, Uruguay/Central Hospital of the Armed Forces Montevideo, Uruguay

Tyler Choate
Doctoral Student/Research Assistant, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota

Morgan Crossman
Executive Director, Building Bright Futures

Jamesetta Ross Diggs
Social Justice Program Manager, African Career, Education, and Resources, Inc.

Frances Einterz
Senior Director of Early Childhood Equity Initiatives, Policy Equity Group

Ellie Erickson
Assistant Professor, Duke Children’s Primary Care

Sandhyaa Iyengar
Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Cindy La
Director of Children and Youth Services, Chinese American Service League

Stephanie McNerney
Founder and Medical Director, University of Virginia Department of Pediatrics’ Village Care Program

Julia Carranza Neira
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

Jeana Nichols
Program Planning and Regional Engagement Manager, Early Head Start Program, Eastern Washington University

Rebecca O’Neill
Clinical Director, Axis Mundi Child and Family Therapy

Danielle Rice
Director of Workforce Inclusion and Endorsement, Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health

Danielle Rivera
Children’s Service Administrator, Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services

Lisa Schlueter
Director, Early Childhood Mental Health Unit, Colorado Department of Early Childhood

Cynthia Turrietta
Director of Programs, Open Arms Perinatal Services

Nicole Tuzi
Senior Training and Education Manager, Infant and Early Mental Health Promotion, Hospital for Sick Children

Nat Nadha Vikitsreth
Founder, Come Back to Care, Inc.

Lynda Chemtai Waiyaki
Co-Founder/Director, Cradles to Crayons Kindergarten

Alison White
Lead Child Mental Health Therapist, Preschool and Child Outpatient Clinic, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Fellowship Class of 2020-2022

Fellowship Class of 2022-2024
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