Early Brain Development

In the first few years of life, more than 1 million new neural connections are formed every second.

Learn more about the stages of early brain development.

From birth to age three, the brain experiences rapid, transformative growth that shapes lifelong learning, behavior, and mental health. 

Understanding baby brain development can help you make a lasting impact during these critical years.

The neuroplasticity of early childhood makes young children incredibly vulnerable, but also incredibly resilient and responsive to positive intervention.

ZERO TO THREE's Baby Brain Map

Our “Baby Brain Map” is designed to educate parents, caregivers, and early childhood professionals about the critical stages of brain development in young children from birth to three years old. 

This tool provides an engaging, user-friendly way to explore how babies’ brains grow during these formative years, emphasizing the impact of experiences, relationships, and environmental factors on neural development. 

Research and science

Explore data and research on early brain development stages and skills.


Developing executive functioning skills

Check Making friends. Showing anger in a healthy way. Figuring out conflicts peacefully.  Learn what you can do to support executive functioning in children from birth to age 3. Check out our brain development stages by age resources below:


The magic of everyday moments

These resources provide helpful strategies for supporting young children’s cognitive development milestones through everyday interactions. 


Want to learn more about early brain development?

We have trainings for that.

The Growing Brain: From Birth to 5 Years Old curriculum, let by Katrina Macasaet, helps early childhood professionals explore the science of brain development.