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Advancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health

Mental health is the foundation of early
childhood development.

Babies enter the world primed to build relationships. From birth, they begin forming bonds, developing social responses, and discovering both themselves and their surroundings.

Infant and early childhood mental health is at the center of every single step we take at ZERO TO THREE. No other core issues matter if we don’t begin by acknowledging that babies come into the world with a capacity for a rich emotional life and are so much more than passive observers of the world around them. 

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    Mental health is formed in our earliest days, even before birth.

    Why It Matters

    IECMH is the developing capacity of the infant/young child to form close and secure relationships; experience, manage, and express a full range of emotions; and explore the environment and learn—all in the context of family, community, and culture.

    Despite trending conversations about people’s emotional well-being, the mental health of our youngest citizens is often ignored or misunderstood.

    From infancy through the preschool years, each experience—good or bad—shapes a child’s foundation for future wellness. We are here to help infant mental health specialists, children and their families build that strong foundation and provide support when it needs repair.

    By the Numbers

    Infant and young children’s mental health has a direct impact on their social and emotional development

    Source: Think Babies. (2022). Infant and early childhood mental health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2022, June 3). Data and statistics on children’s mental health

    By promoting the social-emotional health of infants and young children, we have the potential to positively impact the trajectory of a child’s life.

    Urge policymakers to prioritize infant and early childhood mental health and support healthy emotional development right from the start.

    Our Impact

    Infant and early childhood mental health is at the center of all the educational, health and policy matters that we advocate for and support.

    We advocate for the federal government to dedicate funding and support to mental health resources, including a $50 million grant for infant and early childhood mental health, the inclusion of babies in the current mental health community block grant and an additional $50 million for leadership and training of early childhood mental health professionals.

    We also publish the DC:0-5™ Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood, aimed to support clinicians and infant mental health specialists as the only mental health diagnostic tool specifically for young children.

    Each year, our LEARN Conference and trainings bring thousands of early childhood professionals together to put infant and early childhood mental health at the forefront of their work.

    Professional talking to family at home
    An advertisement for a basic training on infant mental health

    Related Resources

    It takes a village to promote infant and early childhood mental health.

    Our DC:0-5 Clinical Training supports clinicians, pediatricians, nurse practitioners, infant mental health specialists and early intervention specialists who diagnose and treat mental health disorders in children from birth to 5 years old.