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The Joy of

2023 Impact Report

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Leadership Message

Message From our Board Leadership and Executive Director

In 2023, we witnessed unprecedented challenges echoing through every corner of the world. Families, particularly their tiniest members, faced an array of harsh realities that tested the resilience of the human spirit. The fragility of our global community became all too apparent; yet, amidst the storms, we found solace in the joy of connection.

Thank you for believing in the mission of ZERO TO THREE and for standing with us as Baby Champions! Our commitment to putting babies at the center of everything we do is not just a statement, it's a testament to the profound impact that focused connection can bring.

We are proud to showcase our many achievements this past year — made with your support. Together, we transformed harsh realities into opportunities for growth and joy. Through our collective compassion, expertise, innovation and dedication we are paving the way for a world where every child's journey begins with boundless love and nurturing connections that last a lifetime.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Walter S. Gilliam, PhD


Tammy Mann, PhD

Vice President

Matthew Melmed, JD

Executive Director