Media Contact
Siobhan Mueller
(202) 857-2609
Washington, D.C. – April 18, 2023 –ZERO TO THREE, the country’s leading early childhood development nonprofit dedicated to ensuring all infants and toddlers have a strong start in life, attended a White House ceremony today as President Biden signed an Executive Order that represents the most comprehensive set of executive actions taken by any president to improve access to child care for the nation’s babies and improve job quality for early childhood educators, President Biden’s Executive Order includes more than 50 directives to nearly every cabinet-level agency to expand access to affordable, high-quality care, and provide support for care workers and family caregivers.
In response to President Biden’s executive action on supporting and improving the child care system, Miriam Calderón, Chief Policy Officer at ZERO TO THREE stated
“We commend the Biden Administration for its bold leadership and commitment to this vital issue. There is no denying that our nation’s child care system is broken and in need of extraordinary efforts to guarantee every baby has the opportunity to access high-quality child care that will prepare them to learn and grow.
In the absence of Congressional action, the Administration is leveraging the significant resources of the federal government to identify solutions that can bring much needed relief to families, caregivers, and early educators now.
We call on Congress to work with the Administration to build on these executive actions. A first step is continuing to support investments that sustain child care supply and lower costs for families, including the stabilization funding expiring this year, while working towards enacting comprehensive policies to guarantee access to high-quality child care and early learning opportunities.”
The White House has released a fact sheet that highlights the specific actions taken in the Executive Order.
If you would like to speak to Miriam Calderón about today’s historic announcement and signing, please contact Chris McGurn: