State Initiatives
impact infants, toddlers and their families.
The ZERO TO THREE Policy Center is a nonpartisan, research-based resource for federal and state policymakers and advocates on the unique developmental needs of infants and toddlers. The Policy Center brings to bear ZERO TO THREE’s 40 years of research-based expertise on infant and toddler development to ensure that public policies reflect best practices and current research in support of our nation’s very young children.
These articles are categorized by the elements of the ZERO TO THREE Policy Center’s Infant & Toddler Policy Framework. The framework focuses on key strategies across four main areas known to impact the healthy development of infants and toddlers:
State-Based Resources
States are incubators for innovative ideas and often set the trends about which policy strategies build momentum and which do not. Learn what your state is doing to support very young children and how infants and toddlers are faring.