Babies are born with unlimited potential. The Yearbook provides a snapshot of national and state-by-state data on how babies are faring for a strong start in life.
The story of America’s babies has never been more important.
The data presented in the Yearbook paint a clear picture: bold action is needed to address urgent needs of infants, toddlers, and their families.
As we look at the data provided in the State of Babies Yearbook: 2023, we see:
The number of infants and toddlers continues to decline.
The data tells us that diversity remains the hallmark of America’s babies, a source of strength and renewal.
Poverty and disparities in access to resources along racial and ethnic lines continue to be defining features of a baby’s experience.
The state where a baby is born and spends their first years also is a significant indicator as to whether a baby will have a strong start in life.
Senior director of federal policy, Patricia Cole, discusses State of Babies data with National Press Foundation.
The State of Babies Yearbook: 2023 is part of ZERO TO THREE’s Think Babies initiative. ZERO TO THREE created Think Babies to make the potential of every baby a national priority. When we “Think Babies” and invest in infants, toddlers and their families, we ensure a strong future for all.