We know that parents are the experts of their own children and believe in learning at the feet of parents. Together, we share the same goal: To ensure children don’t just grow up healthy, but thrive.
There are many positive parenting styles and techniques that have been shown to be effective and help babies thrive. But the most important piece of this puzzle is nurturing relationships, and ZERO TO THREE gives families the latest information and tools to be their babies’ strongest resource.

Why It Matters
Parents are bombarded with advice from all corners of their world, from grandparents, family members and friends to social media.
When parents are overwhelmed or unsure of what to do when they face a parenting question, it’s important to have a trusted source to turn to. So we’re here for them. We translate the science off early childhood development practical tips and tools for parent and professionals. And we don’t forget that they’re the real expert on their child–so we put each family’s beliefs, culture, and goals front and center.
By The Numbers
Every parent faces a child-rearing dilemma or question that they aren’t sure about. Not knowing what to do is natural and normal! Families with young children want–and deserve–more support:
Fifty-four percent of parents wish they had more information about how to become a better parent.
Seventy-three percent of those surveyed said parenting is the biggest challenge in their life.
When asked, 57 percent of parents said they struggle with deciding the best way to discipline their child.
Source: ZERO TO THREE (2016). Takeaways for Parents from the National Parent Survey.
Help us spread the message that positive parenting matters.
Our Impact
We’re committed to helping families find an effective parenting strategy that works for their child by providing accessible and easy to understand resources.

We connect effective parenting resources to the families
who need them.
This takes funding and community advocacy – because resources only work if people know they exist.