Preventing Expulsion from Preschool and Child Care
Young children are being expelled from preschool and child care programs at an astonishing rate.
This practice deprives young children of the benefit of early childhood education and may leave unaddressed the mental health issues that lead to challenging behaviors.
Because of challenging behaviors such as aggression, tantrums, and noncompliance, young children are deprived of the benefits of early childhood education.
Featured Videos
Learn how to better support social and emotional development to prevent the expulsion of young children from educational settings.
ZERO TO THREE provides you with a myriad of resources, including videos you can use in your own presentations.
Exploring Implicit Bias
Video Series
These videos were taken at the “What’s Behind Preschool Expulsion? Exploring Implicit Bias, Part II” held on March 30, 2017.
High expulsion rates are also an indicator that we are not helping parents and caregivers, starting from birth, to support the positive social and emotional development that is the foundation for all learning, future relationships, and school readiness.
Four Dispositions to Help Early Childhood Educators Transform Their Practice
Great educators do more than teach — they cultivate a way of being that shapes their interactions, decisions, and long-term impact.
Good Question
What is quality child care?
Explore these expert perspectives that address what it takes to build a system where quality child care is a guarantee.
What is the ‘care economy’ and why does it matter for babies?
At its core, the care economy is about recognizing and valuing the work that goes into caring for others—work that is essential for the functioning of society and the broader economy.