Home/Resources/Early Development/Development From Birth to 12 Months Old: Forming a Trusting Bond to Nurture Learning

Development From Birth to 12 Months Old: Forming a Trusting Bond to Nurture Learning

Watch how to nurture your baby from birth to 12 months, teaching them how to feel safe and secure in the world while encouraging developmentally appropriate growth.
dad and baby smiling at each other

Watch how to nurture your baby from birth to 12 months, teaching them how to feel safe and secure in the world while encouraging developmentally appropriate growth. From Magic of Everyday Moments — Series 2.

During the early months, parents form trusting bonds with their babies to help them feel safe and secure in the world.

Throughout their first year of development, babies are eager to explore the world from new perspectives, using movement, emerging language skills, and social-emotional cues to engage with parents, caregivers, and the world around them.

This toolkit focuses on how, through interactions with your baby during everyday moments, you can support your baby’s social, emotional and intellectual development.

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