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Expanding Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Supports and Services: A Planning Tool for States and Communities

IECMH pages

Do policies in your state or community effectively support the mental health and development of all infants and toddlers?

Building a comprehensive and cohesive system of infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) services and supports requires collaboration across professions and systems. ZERO TO THREE’s new policy planning tool provides a framework for convening individuals who share an interest in the well-being of children and families. The tool can be used to help organize plan¬ning, inventory existing resources to identify gaps and needs, and create shared goals for service delivery that aligns with best practices in IECMH.

Expanding IECMH Supports and Services: A Planning Tool for States and Communities provides a set of questions that can help to:

  • inform and organize cross-system, multi-sector planning efforts;
  • inventory existing resources, policies, and programs;
  • identify gaps and missing linkages; and
  • align policy with best practice.

This action-oriented tool guides you through data collection and analysis across six areas of consideration:

  1. Robust Access to a Continuum of Supports and Services (Promotion, Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment)
  2. Strong Workforce Capacity and Professional Development
  3. Embedding IECMH Across Child-Serving Systems
  4. Comprehensive System-Wide Planning and Infrastructure
  5. Properly Financed System
  6. Effective Messaging That Builds Public and Political Will

If you would like to consult with someone at ZERO TO THREE about using this tool in your state or community, please contact Lindsay Usry at lusry@zerotothree.org.


Expanding Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Supports and Services: A Planning Tool for States and Communities

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