Home/Resources/State and Local Policy/How to Connect with Professionals to Advocate Together

How to Connect with Professionals to Advocate Together

How can professionals engage in meaningful, real collaboration if inequitable power and implicit biases live in these relationships? Photo: Flamingo Images/shutterstock

This article explores why engaging other infant-toddler professionals in advocacy can be an effective strategy for policy change and provides practical tools and examples to help you in your efforts.

Reaching out to other professionals working with infants and toddlers is a powerful way to bring these diverse perspectives together to create better policy for young children and their families.

Infant-toddler professionals bring a lot to the table when we get involved in advocacy for very young children and their families. We bring expertise on child development, stories about the children and families we serve, and deep knowledge about what young children need to grow up healthy and ready to learn.

This article explores why engaging other infant-toddler professionals in advocacy can be an effective strategy for policy change and provides practical tools and examples to aid ZERO TO THREE Policy Network members in their efforts to connect with other Big Voices for Little Kids.

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