This issue of Zero to Three celebrates ZERO TO THREE's multidisciplinary training event for early childhood professionals.
This issue of Zero to Three celebrates ZERO TO THREE’s multidisciplinary training event for early childhood professionals by featuring articles from the conference presentations and plenary sessions. The 2014 National Training Institute (NTI) was held December 10–12 in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and brought together more than 2,000 professionals from 47 states and 15 different countries.
Some of the highlights from the plenary presentations that are reflected in this issue include:
The fascinating new science of epigenetics and the exquisite sensitivity of a developing fetus to its environment. Dr. Champagne shares insights into epigenetic mechanisms that link early life experiences and long-term changes in brain and behavior, and she reveals how epigenetics is changing the way scientists think about the developing brain. The urgent need to address the plight of boys of color, specifically Black, Latino, and Native American boys who are at risk for a developmental trajectory that includes a lifetime of adversity beginning from birth. Dr. Barbarin discusses early intervention strategies and the long-term implications for families and the nation. The inequities faced by many young children today who experience racial and ethnic disparities in health outcomes, educational achievement, and well-being. Four panelists discuss strengths-based approaches to policies that support equity for children and families. The burgeoning interest in mindfulness as an approach to working effectively across disciplines and systems on behalf of young children. Dr. Shamoon-Shanok and Dr. Stevenson reveal how mindfulness, or a regular practice of meditation, contributes to personal and professional development.