The Military Services (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force) have the operational responsibility to provide family support programs to their families. These programs and their delivery differ across the Services. As a result of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, Military Community and Family Policy (my former office) became much more operational, i.e., delivering services and programs directly to military families rather than exclusively focusing on policy development. Primarily, because the needs were so great with our nation at war and secondarily, because of the lack of standardization across the Military Services. Our goal was to provide an umbrella of support that ALL military families had access to in order to augment what the Military Services were providing. Programs like The Severely Injured Center, Military OneSource, the Military Family Life Counselors, and Spouse Employment and Career Opportunities were funded and managed by Military Community and Family Policy staff. In addition, we began a partnership with various Land Grant Universities to develop evidence-based resources that are open access (meaning civilian programs can access without charge), such as, The Virtual Lab School which is an online training platform for early childhood teachers, trainers, and directors; Early Learning Matters (ELM), an early childhood curriculum; THRIVE, an online parent education program, and Military REACH, an online depository of research on military families.