Home/Resources/Early Development/Screen Sense: All the Need-to-Know Research on Screens for Children Under Three

Screen Sense: All the Need-to-Know Research on Screens for Children Under Three

Small girl holds a teddy bear and looks at a laptop screen.

In this recorded webinar, explore practical, research-informed strategies about screen use with young children, and learn how to minimize the downsides of screen use.

While there are many debates about screen use for children under the age of five, no one is questioning the fact that screens are ever-present in the lives of young children—more so than ever before! In this webinar, hear all about the latest research from on young children and screens shared in our Screen Sense resources. Get answers to whether—and how—young children learn from screen experiences, and what parents and educators can do to minimize the downsides of screen use. Practical, research-informed strategies for screen use with young children are discussed at the end of the webinar, and more in-depth answers to frequently asked questions can be downloaded here.

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