Join us for our 2025 early childhood conference in Baltimore, Maryland.

ZERO TO THREE’s LEARN Conference is the go-to event for professionals from across the early childhood field seeking to advance their knowledge and practice.

Our early childhood conference offers a range of learning experiences featuring the latest research, promising practices and policy strategies.

Proposals for 2025 are now being accepted!

ZERO TO THREE invites four types of proposals for the 2025 LEARN Conference:
  • Poster Presentations
  • Baby Talks (grouped 10-minute presentations & discussion)
  • Lecture Sessions (60-minute presentations)
  • Issue Intensives (120-minute presentations & interactive activities)
Proposals should feature content that is:
  1. Relevant to professionals working with and on behalf of children under 5 years old (including those in the prenatal period) and their families
  2. Grounded in the domains from the ZERO TO THREE Competencies for Prenatal to Age 5 Professionals
  3. Focused on addressing and advancing equity

Find out more about submission guidelines on the call for proposals submission site

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