Home/Resources/Earn CEUs from ZERO TO THREE


ZERO TO THREE is pleased to offer free Continuing Education Units for a variety of learning events and early childhood professional development.

NOTE: As part of our mission, ZERO TO THREE is striving to support the dedicated professionals who work so hard to give every child the best possible start in life. We hope many of you will be able to learn with us, complete professional development requirements, and support infants and toddlers around the world.

Early Childhood CEUs are currently available for:

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ZERO TO THREE is accredited as an Authorized Provider of Continuing Education and Training by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). In obtaining this accreditation, we have demonstrated compliance with the ANSI/IACET Standard, which is recognized internationally as a standard of excellence in instructional practices. As the official standard for continuing education and training, IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are recognized by a wide range of organizations, including professional associations, regulatory boards, corporations, and universities.

Though IACET CEUs are widely accepted, it is up to each organization to choose whether or not it will accept them. For this reason, we strongly advise that you confirm in advance if a particular body accepts IACET CEUs. To view a list of companies, regulatory boards, and organizations that have reported to accept the IACET CEU credit, please click here. This list is not exhaustive, nor does it guarantee that an IACET CEU will automatically be accepted.

Early Childhood CEUs are awarded for certain ZERO TO THREE learning events, with full attendance at each event and a passing score on post-event test(s) required. The processing fee varies by event. Contact hours offered may vary per discipline.

Questions? Contact Maria Ogunye at mogunye@zerotothree.org.

Browse discounted CEU products in the ZERO TO THREE Bookstore.


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