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Exploring State Strategies for Financing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment

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This paper summarizes key themes from a recent convening and describes approaches for improving state policy supporting Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. It concludes with ten tips for advancing state IECMH policy.

The state examples in the paper illustrate core areas that can be employed to improve IECMH including: growing, training and supporting the workforce; securing and sustaining financing for services; building systems that support integration; and cultivating leadership inside and outside of government.

Report thumbnailUse this paper to:

  • Learn how other states are advancing infant and early childhood mental health policy and financing.
  • Share lessons learned with state policymakers and advocates, your state Infant Mental Health association or other stakeholder group interested in advancing IECMH policy.
  • Reach out to state children’s advocates to strengthen their children’s mental health agenda.
  • Develop a short list of IECMH policy improvement opportunities for the transition team if your state has a newly-elected governor.
  • Organize a “read and react” meeting with your state IECMH association review the ten tips and discuss how your state might better align Medicaid financing and IECMH service needs.

For those interested in learning more about the ZERO TO THREE IECMH Financing Policy Project, please visit this page

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