We know the work you do is too important to ever stop completely, and it’s more challenging now than ever. We are here and ready to help the early childhood community be responsive to family needs during this challenging time.
COMIC: A Kids’ Guide To Coping With The Pandemic (And A Printable Zine)
A short comic presents tips and advice to help kids through the pandemic.
PRACTICAL TIPS AND TOOLS—The COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Practical tips and tools to help early childhood professionals nurture infant and early childhood mental health during COVID-19.
You Matter: Promoting Professional Resilience During Collective Crisis
ZERO TO THREE experts weigh in on developing professional resilience during the pandemic.
PERSPECTIVES—Supporting Young Children, Families, and Caregivers Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
While the uncertain and invisible nature of the pandemic presents some unique challenges, early childhood professionals can draw upon proven practices to help families protect and support children.
Your Professional Development
Regional Institutes will be hosted online. Check here for scheduling and availability. If you have immediate questions or needs, please contact us.
Community of Practice Facilitation will be hosted virtually to help you facilitate collaborative dialogues with you team to transform their practice and the field.
Member Connect continues to give ZERO TO THREE members peer support and resource exchange opportunities.
Online Courses
Transform teacher-child interaction in early learning programs. Learn more about the ZERO TO THREE Critical Competencies for Infant-Toddler EducatorsTM and the Critical Competencies model which addresses three essential learning and development areas:
ZERO TO THREE Critical Competencies for Infant-Toddler Educators™ detail the essential skills educators need to optimize the social-emotional, cognitive, and language and literacy development of all infants and toddlers.
Critical Competencies online course articles relevant to COVID-19 concerns include:
- Supporting Children’s Self-Regulation (from SE-2)
- The Emotional Brain Under Construction (from SE-3)
- Emotional Overload (from SE-3)
- When Cultural Expectations for Behavior Differ (from SE-5)
- Managing Yourself When Encountering Challenging Behavior (from SE-5)
Your Self Care
Getting Started with Mindfulness: A Toolkit for Early Childhood Organizations
The stress and uncertainty of the global pandemic is leading more professionals to mindfulness and other practices of well-being. In this toolkit, learn more about the case for implementing mindfulness techniques into your daily work and organizational culture, try hands-on strategies for doing so, and learn more from organizations that have begun this journey.
Mindfulness Breaks | A Weekly Series for Self-Care
Our series for self-care has ended, but find recordings of these sessions on ZERO TO THREE’s Facebook. Learn simple yet effective techniques to use throughout each day to manage stress and anxiety.
For Families You Serve
Helping Families With Young Children Navigate Transitions in the Aftermath of Pandemic Restrictions
Help guide transitions back to child care and early childhood education facilities.
Tips for Families: Coronavirus
This suite of resources for the families you serve offers tips and tools including age-appropriate responses to common questions, a guide to self-care, and activities for young children experiencing social distancing.
Magic of Everyday Moments
These simple, relatable videos illustrate the many ways in which caregivers can contribute to a child’s successful development through simple interactions.
Screen Sense
As more caregivers rely on technology to connect with young children at home or enhance their learning, there are more questions than ever about the impact of digital media. Screen Sense describes what is known at this time about the effect of screen media on young children’s learning and development.
Shelter from the Storm
ZERO TO THREE and Save the Children partnered to create materials for professionals and parents to support young children affected by crises. Available in both English and Spanish, these resources can be used in both shelter and child care settings.
Our favorite books for families facing tough times
ZERO TO THREE experts share our favorite picture and activity books for supporting young children through stressful and traumatic situations, including titles created in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
Best Practices During a Crisis
Webinar Series: Addressing Abuse and Neglect During COVID-19
Register for our five-part guided reflection webinar series on the abuse and neglect impacting children, their families, and professionals during this pandemic.
Reflective Consultation With Groups via Virtual Technology: What Is Best Practice?
As the field of infant and early childhood mental health continues to grow and professionals realize the value of reflective supervision/consultation, the need for equitable access to quality reflective supervision expands. One way that providers have increased access is through virtual technology. ZERO TO THREE is offering this resource for free to share best practices for promoting reflective supervision and consultation when in-person communication is not an option.
Building Resilience
Infants and toddlers have the power to cope with adversity. Learn how you can help them unlock their full potential.
Resources for Health Professionals from HealthySteps
The HealthySteps National Office is monitoring COVID-19 policies and practices relevant to pediatric primary care offices, i.e., telehealth, resources for family needs and self-care for health professionals, and more.
COVID-19: Advice for Caregivers of Young Children
This infogram handout from experts at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center outlines common ways children react to stress, and ideas to help.
Tell Congress
COVID-19 Advocacy Action
As the pandemic shuts down child care centers, as well as a range of service providers and workplaces, it is impacting not only the physical health of families with young children, but also threatening their economic and emotional well-being. Visit our Policy Center for opportunities to act on behalf of babies, toddlers, and their families.