A Seat at the Table

I believe in the power of collaborative wisdom.

Dr. Raquel Munarriz Diaz, EdD, is a ZERO TO THREE Fellow and the Senior Partnership Manager for the University of Florida Lastinger Center. Dr. Diaz’s Latin roots have shaped her perspective on not only having a seat at the table but also inviting others to join in having a seat at the table once she’s there and giving everyone a voice. It’s this ethos that drives her desire to empower the early childhood workforce through intentional communities of practice.

Check out Dr. Diaz’s full interview.

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Racial Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Building Strong Foundations: Family Equity
Rooted in discriminatory policies throughout U.S. history, racial disparities exist across nearly every measure of wellbeing, including health, economic security, and access to early learning experiences. We know that strong policies can be a tool to disrupt and dismantle institutional racism, promote equity and ensure every child in every family gets a strong start.