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Amanda Hooke Perez, MSW

Senior Advocacy Manager

What the mission means to Amanda

In my years of working with babies and families, I have been awestruck at the jaw dropping speed with which they learn, the incredibly complex biological mapping in their brains, and the deep and primal feelings that they draw from the people who care for them. To me, there is nothing more wondrous or beautiful than babies and their families, or more meaningful than our mission to make sure that every single baby has a strong start.

Professional Background

When Amanda was in graduate school for social work just after Congress included early intervention in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Amanda comes to her role with experience as an infant-toddler teacher supported by the Child Care Development Block Grant, an early interventionist under funding from Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and sixteen years as a trainer and technical assistance provider with Early Head Start. She has particular expertise in attachment and the pivotal family role in child development and learning. In her current work, she is most interested in engaging families in grassroots advocacy for their young children and communities.

As a Senior Advocacy Specialist, Amanda Perez works with the advocacy team to develop and implement advocacy campaigns on infant-toddler issues. Amanda contributes to a variety of written products from ZERO TO THREE’s Policy Center, and edits, produces, and writes for our bi-weekly policy newsletter, The Baby Monitor.