Audrey Laszewski, MS, is a ZERO TO THREE Fellow. She is an independent consultant and currently the project director for the Early Years Home Visitation Outcomes Project of Wisconsin.
Ms. Laszewski holds a master of science degree in administrative science from the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay. She specializes in developing innovative ideas into successful projects. Ms. Laszewski has more than 20 years of experience in project management and evaluation with a focus on outcome measurement systems for human service providers. For the last 12 years, she has concentrated her work in the field of home visitation, where she has led several teams to increase the quality of home visiting service provision. Her work includes the development of handheld technology for use by home visitors and the design and implementation of a multisite outcome measurement system for home visiting programs. In addition, she is one of the co-authors of, and a trainer for, the Home Visiting Program Quality Rating Tool (HVPQRT), a recently developed cross-model measure of global home visiting program quality. Her current research focus is on the development of an advanced practice perinatal depression screening and management algorithm currently being piloted by home visitors. She serves on the Executive Council of Home Visiting Applied Research Collaborative (HARC), a practice-based research network whose aim is to advance home visiting research by connecting home visiting programs, networks, and researchers interested in studies of the effectiveness, quality, implementation, or dissemination of maternal, infant, and early childhood home visiting programs.