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Danielle Rice

Director of Workforce Inclusion and Endorsement , Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health, Southgate, MI

As a trainer, consultant and policy advocate, Danie Rice LMSW, IMH-E supports and advocates for underrepresented professionals in Michigan’s infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) workforce, as well as enhancing feelings of belonging and emotional wellness in the field. She also provides training in IECMH, social and emotional consultation and reflective supervision.  

Prior to transitioning into private practice, Rice began her career in child welfare, with extensive experience providing home-based infant mental health therapy. She is a dual-title PhD candidate in social work and infant mental health at Wayne State University. Her research focuses on the experiences of Black IECMH professionals in reflective supervision and explores the use of healing circles to help repair harm.  

Through her research, Rice illuminates the unique challenges faced by Black professionals and works to develop methods for addressing and healing the harm caused by these challenges. Throughout her career, she has focused on creating an inclusive environment where every professional feels valued and supported.