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Eme Martin

Eme Martin, MPH

Lead Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer
At the heart of equity is opportunity. And everyone deserves the opportunity to do more than simply survive, but rather to thrive in life.

What the mission means to Eme

At ZERO TO THREE, we are focused on firm foundations for all babies and toddlers. Hence, the aim for equity is inherent to our work and why I confidently and comfortably advocate for all who have children, work with children, or who know a child in their orbit to join us in partner with us to achieve our mission.

Professional Background

Eme’s career began behind a bench as a laboratory scientist to address inequities in health outcomes through cancer elimination drug research. After three years in this space, Eme determined that likes people more than pipettes and pursued a master’s in public health with an emphasis in behavioral health as a means to address health disparities. During her graduate studies, Eme led two community health projects within historically neglected communities and observed dramatic and sustained positive health outcomes. This fueled her continued interest to advocate for communities of color and other systemically disadvantaged populations.

For nearly a decade, Eme drove innovative and collaborative health equity initiatives within two major healthcare systems, engaging diverse partners across clinical and community settings and building sustainable partnerships to improve outcomes for historical underserved communities. Eme also spent several years in a national nonprofit setting addressing health inequities in chronic disease screening and diagnosis for communities of color.

Eme is passionate and poised to address the importance of creating space for all to thrive, regardless of geography, race, ethnicity, or other socioeconomic factors and is a frequent keynote and panel presenter on topics of community health, partnership development, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

  • National Minority Quality Forum 40 Under 40 Health Leader Award, 2016

Future Vision

We can achieve a place and space where all babies and toddlers and those who love and care for them can thrive. This finish line is clear and the foundation can become clearer as we combine minds and wills to this end.

Please contact us if you’d like to request Eme as a speaker.  And visit our Speakers Bureau page to learn about many of our other subject matter experts.