Faith Lee is a Regional Field Specialist for the National Infant-Toddler Court Program (ITCP) at ZERO TO THREE.
Faith Lee has over 22 years of professional experience in child welfare and human services. Before joining Zero to Three, Ms. Lee was the Director of Performance Management & Accountability for the South Carolina Department of Social Services (SCDSS). At SCDSS, Ms. Lee was responsible for the Child and Family Services Review (CFSR), the Program Improvement Plan (PIP), and all federal reporting (Child & Family Services Plan (CFSP), Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR), Child Abuse and Prevention Treatment Act (CAPTA), Family First Prevention Services (FFPSA), and the Title IV-E Plan) for child welfare services. Additionally, Ms. Lee’s work experience includes developing curricula and delivering training for the Child Welfare Review Project (CWRP) and Child Welfare Compliance Reviews Team (CWCRT) with JBS International, Inc. Ms. Lee worked with the training team to develop, organize, and maintain audience-appropriate training and supplementary materials, including manuals, fact sheets, handouts, and audiovisual and multimedia materials. Ms. Lee’s child welfare experience includes direct service to children and families, supervision of foster care/after hours, and North Carolina child welfare training for the Department of Health and Human Services-NC Division of Social Services (DHHS-NCDSS). For the last 10 years at the DHHS-NCDSS, Ms. Lee served as a Mobile Trainer and Regional Trainer at the Kinston Regional Training Center. Additionally, Ms. Lee facilitated training on NC child welfare, adoption, child placement (foster care), in home services, and foster home licensing. Furthermore, Ms. Lee reviewed and facilitated child fatality reviews for the 100 county departments of social services and community child protection teams in North Carolina. Ms. Lee’s role as the State Fatality Reviewer identified and outlined current and ongoing trends that impacted child safety. Before working for the DHHS-NCDSS, Ms. Lee worked in the local county departments of social services in North and South Carolina. Ms. Lee has worked in intake, child protective services, in home services, foster care, adoptions, and as a foster care supervisor. Ms. Lee’s human service experience includes training for two non-profit agencies. At Substance Abuse Prevention Services, Ms. Lee provided training on substance abuse as it relates to pregnancy. Moreover, Ms. Lee’s work with Communities In Schools involved working with at-risk children and their families. Ms. Lee provided group and individual health education sessions to at-risk children to prevent and lessen the drop-out rate. Ms. Lee received an MSHS from Capella University, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Ms. Lee received an MA from Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri.