Sarah Barclay Hoffman, MPP, is a ZERO TO THREE Fellow. She is currently Assistant Director of the Early Childhood Innovation Network (ECIN), and a Program Manager with Children’s National Health System in Washington, DC.
Ms. Hoffman provides strategic direction, policy visioning, and operational management to ECIN, which is a joint initiative between Children’s National Health System and MedStar Georgetown University Hospital. ECIN aims to improve child and family resiliency and decrease the effects of toxic stress in young children through innovative and sustainable interventions in pediatric primary care, early learning centers, and child and family serving agencies. As a Program Manager at Children’s National, she oversees an early childhood mental health portfolio, and serves as a partner on other hospital-based mental health initiatives, such as the DC Collaborative for Mental Health in Pediatric Primary Care, a public-private partnership that improves the integration of mental health and pediatric primary care. Ms. Hoffman has over ten years of experience in policy and advocacy focused on children’s issues, including as an advisor on education policy and strategy to national philanthropic organizations, nonprofits, and state education agencies at EducationCounsel LLC, and as a government relations specialist at the Children’s Defense Fund. She also serves on the Board of Directors and is the immediate past Board Chair of McClendon Center, DC’s highest-rated community mental health agency. Ms. Hoffman graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a Bachelor of Arts from Colby College, and holds a Master of Public Policy from Duke University. She resides in Washington, DC, with her husband and their two young sons.