Stephenie Hickman is Director of Virtual Professional Development at ZERO TO THREE.
Stephenie Hickman has more than 20 years of experience working in the field of early childhood. She is a leader in innovative professional development, strategic planning, continuous quality improvement, coaching, and Reflective Supervision.
She currently oversees virtual professional development within the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL) where she leads the team in the execution of the center’s virtual professional development. Stephenie was formerly a Sr. Manager within NCECDTL where she spearheaded the launch of microlearning; to date, nearly 6,000 people have completed the existing microlearning courses. She introduced on-demand webinar production with the completion of the first fully automated webinar series that held the highest overall attendance increase of +85.5%. Stephenie also co-led the trainer CQI pilot and helped operationalize the first virtual institute, which had nearly 30,000 content views.
Prior to joining Zero to Three, Stephenie was a Preschool Program Regional Specialist & Coaching Consultant for the Colorado Department of Education where she supported development of the Colorado Preschool Academic Standards, managed the early childhood coaching credential and training approval process, and co-authored and delivered the coaching training and Reflective Supervision train-the-trainer. As a Head Start Education Manager, she analyzed formal and informal assessment data and used it to inform plans for classroom instruction and facilitated professional development at both district and program levels. She also supported the transition to Kindergarten process, evaluated preschool classrooms using ERS and CLASS tools, and monitored Head Start grant and school readiness goals.
Stephenie holds a BA from the University of Northern Colorado and an MA ECE from Pacific Oaks. She is an IMH-E® Infant Family Specialist and a Certified Pre-K CLASS™ observer. Most importantly, Stephenie is a wife and mother of three.