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Engaging Families to Support Early Childhood Development With CDC’s FREE “Learn the Signs. Act Early” Resources

Mid adult Hispanic pediatrician talks with an adorable baby boy. The doctor is volunteering at a free community medical clinic.

Join the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Early Childhood Developmental Health Systems (ECDHS): Evidence to Impact Center on Thursday, August 8, 2024, 4-5:30 PM EDT, for a webinar on engaging families in early childhood development

Enhancing Family-Engaged Developmental Monitoring

This webinar will spotlight CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program and its free resources to help providers and staff engage and empower families as critical partners in developmental monitoring. Presenters include:

  • Katie Green, MPH, CHES, Senior Health Communication Specialist and Team Lead, “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Program, CDC
  • Jill Sells, MD, FAAP, Physician and Partnerships Lead, “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Program, CDC; Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine
  • Toni Whitaker, MD, FAAP, Division Chief, Developmental Pediatrics, University of Tennessee Health Science Center Department of Pediatrics; Consultant and Ambassador to Tennessee, CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Program

Partners from the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau and Bureau of Primary Health Care will also join for introductory remarks.

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This event is tailored for federally qualified health centers and is also beneficial for a broad array of professionals, including clinicians, support staff, administrators, leadership, and anyone who interacts with, or supports programs for, young children and their families. By the end of the webinar, attendees will be able to:

  1. Recognize the critical role that families play in monitoring and supporting their child’s development.
  2. Understand how engaging families in monitoring as part of ongoing developmental surveillance complements developmental screening.
  3. Describe how CDC’s free “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” resources can help engage families in developmental monitoring in a simple and effective way.
  4. Identify strategies health centers can implement to engage families and build early childhood development expertise into care teams.

CEU credits will be available to those who attend the live webinar.


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