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Supporting Early Childhood Education Professionals (Part One)

Presented by Sarah LeMoine and Kristen Greene from ZERO TO THREE & Mindy Bennett and Karen Ruprecht from Child Care Aware® of America.


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ZERO TO THREE and Child Care Aware® of America are excited to partner on this 3-part virtual event series for early childhood leaders—program and agency administrators, professional development providers, and others who support professionals working with very young children and their families. The series focuses on proactive leadership, relationship-based and reflective practice.

This first session provides a systems-level frame for the series, including trends, promising practices, strategic planning, goal setting, and potentials for future leadership.

About ZERO TO THREE Virtual Events

FREE for ZERO TO THREE members, our virtual events are developed and presented by our expert staff and affiliates. After each event, non-member registrants will receive a link to a recording that will be available for 30 days. View all archived recordings.

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